How I Train for a Half Marathon By a Non-Runner

Let’s just start this off by saying I am not a runner by nature. I am short with short legs. Every step for a regularly sized individual is two steps for me. I relatively enjoy running but was never an athlete and really am more comfortable with a 5K.

Also CLEARLY NOT A MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL! This is just my personal experience and what has worked for me.

Training Schedule

I follow a 20 week running schedule to prep the 5 months prior to a half marathon. I am a walk/run kind of gal. I am never running miles and miles at a time. My 20 week schedule looks like this! And to be honest I found this several years ago on Pinterest, I definitely didn’t make this up myself. I also pepper in some Pilates style ab workouts once or twice a week. I ADORE Reformer Pilates but unfortunately the $300/month price tag really isn’t in my budget right now.

I take about a month or so off post half marathon really to focus on things other then running. The last several weeks of training it really becomes all consuming. Running is life. The rest of the year, I run or walk 2-3.5 miles, 2-3 times per week.

Food & Alcohol

I really could do a better job at eating healthier, you know, just in general. Though I do try to eat better and truly do drink less when I am within the 20 weeks. It’s just more difficult to run if you are one, hungover, two, loaded down with unhealthy food.

My eating routine is also a bit different just in general. I eat only two meals a day. I don’t eat breakfast until 9 or 10. I have been really into egg, faux chorizo, and cheese breakfast burritos. It’s plenty of protein to get me through to dinner.

For dinner, I cook for both my husband and I. I don’t eat meat so I don’t cook it. Some of our favorites are sweet potato tacos or zucchini enchiladas.

The one thing I do is cut back on salt. I don’t know if I am super sensitive but even with the gallons of water I drink I tend to be more likely to swell when running if I eat too much salt. So I cut back on things like chips, pickles, whatever.


I am a stiff individual. I have horrible posture and sit in front of a computer for most of the day. I have seen chiropractors, physical therapists, massage therapists, even neurologists. I’ve tried yoga, foam rolling, static stretching. Some treatments much more costly then others. No one has really been able to help me with my joint pain without the commitment of thousands of dollars. Honestly, I had kind of given up.

My husband found tempering and surprised me with it. God, it was life changing even after the first session!!

I guess I would call it a form of weighted body massage. It is relatively new to the scene. It uses these things that look like weighted foam rollers and then a person applies pressure using these rollers. See below pictures. It’s kind of hard to describe but I ABSOLUTELY recommend it for anyone who is running long distance. I immediately had relief from my hip tightness and I am 7 days post tamper and it still feels amazingly loose!

Products I MUST Have

There are several things I use to have really any successful runs.

Yes, you should be drinking a ton of water while your running before, during and after, but you should also be electrolytes. I love these. I drink at least one of these mixed into a 16 oz of water while I am running.

PS I love the fruit punch flavor the best!

I don’t use these when I am training but definitely need them for the half itself. Every 2 miles or so after mile 5 I chew them. They just help keep my energies up. I alternate between caffeinated and regular. I just get mine from Hy-Vee but you can order different flavors online!

Chubb Rub, Chafe Cream, there really isn’t a good word for this stuff except miracle worker.

Megababe Thigh Rescue is a godsend. I chafe the worst where my sports bra straps wears under my arms. Especially once I really get sweating!


Obviously, nobody wants to smell. Luckily I am not a heavy sweater so I don’t need anything super crazy. I just use Secret Outlast. Not anything special.

If Running was a Fashion Show

Running Bag

I had a horrible experience my first half marathon and now have some permeant scars on my back from my bag rubbing it raw. It was SOO painful but I didn’t realize it was happening until I was done. Being the evident sadist I am I plan to reuse that bag again just with some outfit modifications. Instead of wearing it around the waist I’ll wear it crosswise across my body. (We’ll see if this makes a difference)


I always run with leggings I don’t really know why but I prefer it. Well, I do know why I wear them, when I run outside at least. I am allergic to literally the outside…like all trees & plants so I swell up when I run amongst them. Wearing leggings helps with that, sort of. My favorite are from Aerie. Heavy duty and high waisted. Holds everything I need in place!

Tank Top

Obviously not going with an exposed back this year. So no sports bra and leggings for me. But I still want something tight fitting. The less wind resistance the better. Again, love Aerie Offline.

Tennis Shoes

I am an Adidas girl at heart. I love my running shoes. I get a new of Ultraboosts every year. Right after I finish my half I retire the pair and start training in my new shoes after my mini running break.

See you on June 3rd for the Dam to DSM!! Happy Running!!

Remember to shop small businesses! <3


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