Hospital Bag - What I Actually Used

Being a first time mom I spent a LOT of time researching and planning what I should and should not pack in my hospital back. I mean you can’t bring everything but I wanted to be prepared while also being comfortable.

Here is what I used and what I didn’t use (or forgot to pack…)

For Baby

Cute Newborn Outfit

Our hospital has a photographer that comes around a day or two post birth and takes newborn pictures for you. Thank GOD we had a heads up and packed a cute outfit for him. We will so dearly treasure those newborn pictures forever!

Cute Swaddles

Again, for the newborn photos. The hospital does provide swaddles they just aren’t that cute…

Also we found out he prefers the stretch swaddles because he is a wiggler. I don’t think that is typically (at least that’s not what our hospital) provides.

Going Home Outfit

Don’t forget an outfit to take your baby home in! This is kind of old school since they’ve come out with zippers and magnets but we preferred the snap bottom onesies. They are just so easy to change diapers in.

Car Seat Cover

We delivered in a Flyover State’s Winter so we needed to protect our little guy from the cold even just when taking him from the hospital to the car.

Car Seat

Also, don’t forget to install and bring your car seat…

Hat, Mittens, Booties

Again, because the Flyover States are horribly cold in January/February we needed a winter set to bring our baby boy home. Don’t forget to plan for the weather! Warm or cold.

For Mom


Hospitals are cold. Plus you don’t want to put your feet on gross hospital floors. I recommend buying a size up or at least making sure you have space because your feet will be INCREDIBLY swollen!


This is something I didn’t pack and wish I would have. There are constantly people coming in and out of the room. Doctors, nurses, visitors, etc. etc. Plus it was difficult to get dressed in really anything. It would have been nice to just be able to throw a comfy robe on.


Comfy PJs are a must. Also make sure they are button down, especially if you are going to pump or breast feed. Even if you aren’t they are so much easier to put on if you can button them up instead of pulling them over your head.


Having something that smelled like home and was soft and cozy was so grounding. Being a new mom everything was scary and new. It was super comforting to have something from home.


Another little luxury was having my own towel. Hospital towels remind me of gym towels…It was so comforting to have my own to use instead.

Large Drinking Cup with a Straw

I don’t know about every hospital but my hospital had Styrofoam cups for patients to use… Having a larger bottle with a straw was a life saver.


I came into the hospital with a claw clip and luckily packed some scrunchies. The claw clip was so uncomfortable to lay in. Plus a scrunchie was easy for my husband to help me put my hair back up in when we were in hour 24 of labor.

Toiletries and Other

Mini Travel Products

I bought all the same products I use at home in travel size. Another home comfort I think helped with my overall anxiety of new mom-hood.

Side note, It’s a 10 in particular was SO necessary. was in labor with my hair piled on my head for roughly 30 hours. Trying to combo it out afterwards was gruesome. This may have saved me from being completely bald…

Face Wipes

I ended up with a C-Section and had a really hard time bending over to the sink for a couple of days. These made my face feel clean without all the bending.

Nipple Cream

I really like Earth Mama’s Nipple Butter because it’s not too greasy like several other brands.

If you plan to breastfeed you will definitely need this and if she plan to pump and dump you’ll need it too.

Panty Liners

This is a weird one, I know. I pushed for 3 hours and then ended up with a c-section. I don’t know if it’s typical after that kind of experience but I did not have a ton of bleeding day 2 and 3 in the hospital. They only had massive pads and mesh panties. I didn’t really need that much coverage and was uncomfortable with all the extra stuff down there. It would have been nice to have smaller panty liners to use.

Breast Pump

Don’t forget to bring your breast pump if you plan to pump or breast feed. If you don’t know how to use it, like me, a lactation specialist or nurse can show you how to. If you do know how to use it you can use it to help collect your colostrum and give it to your newborn until your milk comes in!

I just happened upon MomCozy and really love my pump! To be fair I have not tried other brands but this is so convenient I don’t think I ever will.

Nursing Bras

If you are planning to use a “wireless” pump, such as the MomCozy above, you will need to bring a nursing bra otherwise you will be holding them in place while you pump. Fun fact, if you are going to go a little longer then usual between pumps your boobs will leak. Nursing bras are padded to help make you more comfortable with that as well.

There are tons of different nursing bras out there and can get super expensive. I just got mine from Target. They were $16.99 and, at the time, buy 2 get 1 free. I love them and they are so comfortable! I highly recommend.

Long charging cord for phone

Everyone will want updates on how baby and you are doing and I swear the closet outlet will be 10 feet away.

Insurance Cards/Photo IDs

Seems obvious but DO NOT FORGET THEM in your rush to get to the hospital!! It will just cause delays and unnecessary headaches. Also reminder you might have gotten a new card/number in January. Make sure you bring the newest insurance card you have.

Birth Plan

My husband and I obviously talked through what I want and didn’t want to do during birth. But it was super helpful to have it written down somewhere just in case I got too loppy off the drugs or something happened and I couldn’t communicate for some reason. HIGHLY recommend you have this discussion AND write it down somewhere to take with you to the hospital.

Some other items that I could take or leave:

  • Pillow - the hospital pillows were really uncomfortable. It also would have been comforting to have my own. but wasn’t totally necessary. I slept fine with the hospital pillows.

  • Shower Shoes - I had a very clean bathroom and felt fine showering in my bare feet but I know that isn’t always the case.

  • Snacks - I got “free” food from the cafeteria plus there is food for the patients on the floor in the nurse station but it was not good. Maybe a step below school lunches… I packed a couple of different snacks, didn’t really end up needing them. Honestly didn’t eat that much post birth anyway.

Things I definitely didn’t need:

  • C Breast Feeding Pillow - I didn’t have a small baby, 6ish lbs. but he was WAY too small to use the breast feeding pillow. I wouldn’t recommend bringing this to the hospital. Too much space and not enough reason.

  • Pretty Much the Entire Diaper Bag - If hindsight was 20/2o I would have just packed what few baby items I needed in my bag instead of bringing the entire baby bag. Another waste of space.

  • Makeup/Hair Items - I brought just a mini mascara and a tinted face moisturizer and I never used either. I mean if I brushed my teeth that day it was a good day. Who cares about makeup.

  • “Going Home Outfit” - I mean who cares what you look like when you go home. Don’t bother packing anything nice. I just went home in my PJs.

  • Anything for Your Husband - I packed a whole bag for my husband and he didn’t really use an of it. We don’t live that far from the hospital so he just ran home to shower, change, and what-not. Though he does love his slippers!

  • Hand Sanitizer - I don’t know why I thought the hospital wouldn’t have this…definitely don’t waste bag space with this

If being pregnant and giving birth has taught me anything it is that EVERYONE has an opinion on how EVERYTHING should be. What you should bring in your hospital bag is just one of those things. Listen but listen with that in mind. your experience is going to be all unique and yours. These are just a few things I Found helpful. I hope you all do too!

xoxo Faith

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