12 Ways to Feel Good This Holiday Season

There are so many less fortunate then us. Why not give back this holiday season! Here are 12 ways to give back to our local community!

  1. Volunteer at a Homeless Shelter

    My favorite here in Des Moines is Hope Center for Women and Children.

  2. Bake Cookies to Give to Your Neighbors

    You never know who is alone for the Holidays and what better way to get those cookies out of the house!

  3. Holiday 5Ks

    Good for your heart in more ways then one! Pick a cause near and dear to your heart and run for a cause!

  4. Volunteer at Your Local Animal Shelter

    I think everyone here knows my love of animals. Don’t let those poor fur babies be alone on the Holidays. Donate your time to spend loving on the fur babies who haven’t found their furever homes yet.

    OR you can pick an ornament from the Tree of Life at the ARL here in Des Moines. Like a giving tree for fur babies!!

  5. Donate Old Clothes, Toys, Books

    Let’s be real you don’t need to keep in excess. Pretty much all of us can be expecting quite a few gifts this holiday season. Why not go through and donate your lightly used items to those that need it.

  6. Write A Letter and Send a Package to Troops Oversees

    Follow these instructions to send a gift through the USO!

  7. Donate Blood

    Do to my weird needle phobia I will never be able to do this but please everyone that can go donate blood! It is so important to so many aspects of healthcare!

    Here are some local blood drives here in Des Moines!

  8. Make & Deliver Meals to Those Who Have to Work the Holidays - Firefighters, Healthcare Workers, Police Officers

    Working in Healthcare you have no idea how much it means to some to have a simple coffee or cookie delivered on the Holidays. It immediately helps relieve some of that sadness of missing your holiday traditions.

  9. Visit a Local Nursing Home

    Many of the elderly don’t have family local or don’t have family at all. Just a quick visit will bring them so much cheer!

  10. Donate to A Local Food Pantry

    Just pick up a couple extra canned corns while you are at Hy-Vee! Can you imagine if we all did that? So many more people would be comfortably feed this Holiday season.

  11. Join a Caroling Group

    Music brings joy to so many people. If you like singing this is a perfect opportunity to give back this Holiday season!


Guess what ya’ll High Heels & Flyover Feels is sponsoring a family this Holiday Season!!!!

Know a family that is in need of some Holiday Help this season? Let us know!!!

Email us at highheelsflyoverfeels@gmail.com telling us whey they would be great candidates!! Deadline is Sunday December 18th!

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Winter Date Night Ideas


Des Moines! Shop Local This Holiday Season!