Winter Date Night Ideas

Yes, winter in the Flyover Sates can be incredibly long, dull and I might even say depressing. Here are a couple of date night ideas my husband and I have to keep things fun in the long dark days of winter!

Ice Skating & Good News Darling

I love Ice Skating!! I was lucky enough to learn when I was a kid so I am not that bad either! I mean I certainly don’t suggest going when it’s -30 out but it has been pretty mild this year **knock on wood.

For all open dates at Brenton Skate Park, cost, etc. Click Here!

And when you’re done skating hit up Good News Darling for a cookie and a warm cider drink! Good News Darling is this 20s style, speakeasy-esq, themed bar. Right now the theme is Naughty List for Christmas and they went all out. Check out the scrolling pictures above. I cannot wait to see what they do next!!

Pro Tip: You MUST make reservations! You can get lucky and walk in and sit at the bar but that is super rare! When you arrive check in at the hostess stand for Hello Marjorie.

Iowa Wild Hockey Game & The Stuffed Olive

Okay, so I know what you are thinking…hockey? LET ME TELL YOU! It’s SUCH a good time!! We were lucky enough to be sat in an Ice Box so we were right behind the net? goal? I am not sure of the terminology there…and it is a WILD time! So much energy in the arena it’s hard not to get caught up in it.

Check out their schedule & ticket information

The Stuffed Olive is so good and if you are a martini fan, this is your place! My favorite this time of year is obviously the espresso martini!

Menu & Locations

Up Down & The Continental

The Continental has been a DSM staple for awhile and I am ashamed it took me so long to eat here. It is absolutely amazing, both food & drink! Another slightly 20s themed location. Peep that drink glass!! And also oddly enough, the bathroom is amazing! Check out the additional pics above! My favorite pair here is Prosecco & their Craft Frites - Sicilian.

Menu & Location

Another staple. Anyone from DSM or that has been in DSM more than 6 months is aware of Up Down. Maybe previously had a bit of a sketchy wrap but now it’s expanded into two floors and (still a little bit raw) but a good time none-the-less!

Pro Tip: Need a late night snack? Their pizza is actually amazing!!

Cosi Cucina & The Funny Bone

We’ll call this date night idea…full bellies & belly laughs! (clever, right?!)

Cosi Cucina…there is no better Italian in the state. My favorite dishes are the butternut squash risotto, rigatoni, and mushroom lasagna. My husband’s favorites are, their signature dish Ziti Cucina and their lobster farfalle with added shrimp. But really there is nothing on the menu that isn’t amazing!

Pro Tip: Their cheesecake, also a need, not a want, a need. So creamy, so perfect, just everything.

Menu & Location

The Funny Bone is our local comedy club. We get some amazing comedians in our little flyover state city! Check out the full schedule for this winter!

Five Monkey Pottery Painting & Brunch

Looking for a day date? Here you go! Obviously most everyone knows at this point my love of brunch. My husband and I FREQUENTLY have brunch dates. Why not follow up that brunch with some pottery painting and make a whole date out of it!

Looking for a brunch recommendation? Check out my monthly brunch reviews!

I am not a good painter and my OCD about keeping inside the lines comes out in full force but pottery painting together is so much fun! And you end up with a keepsake from your date!

Five Monkey’s Pottery

Indoor Golf

Yes, I know what you all are thinking…another sport…who are you?! To be honest, I like to sit and eat the pretzels and drink the beer while my husband golfs. He is an avid golfer.

There are two locations - both in Waukee. Broheim’s which is bring your own food, which I love!! I bring my pretzels and cheese from Saints down the way and just set up shop to watch my more athletic husband golf. Second one is Range Grill + Golf, the more boujee version. I don’t actually love this place but Nick swears by their crab ragoon dip and they do have Prosecco so I can be convinced to go to either.

Indoor Go-Karting & Sushi

Definitely Go Kart first then sushi because you shouldn’t drink and drive go-karts.

There are so many sushi places in DSM that are amazing! A couple of our favorites are:

We go-kart in Grimes at Pole Position Raceway. It’s seriously so fun. Plus they’ve got an arcade you can play in when you’re done racing.

Botanical Gardens & Molly’s Cupcakes

A stroll thru the warm gardens in the dreary cold is just what you need to beat the winter blues! A little known fact, the Botanical Gardens here in DSM have a cute little café in it! It’s sooo good! I had tomato soup and grilled cheese and look at the orzo salad…YUM. I’ve heard their desserts are legendary but sadly didn’t have one because we went to Molly’s Cupcakes!!

Botanical Garden - Location & Menu

There is no such thing for me as too sweet or too much sweet. My husband would disagree but we love him none the less. These cupcakes are AMAZING and so over the top. Filled, topped with frosting and a special treat. Peep the photo above of the Pecan Pie Cupcake I had this Fall!!

Molly’s Cupcakes - Location & Menu

Ricochet & The Royal Mile

The latest game style bar to grace DSM with their presence. Anyplace with skeeball has my heart and guess what? You don’t have to pay to play the “basic” games - darts, skeeball, etc. Pool you do have to pay for.

Even in the cold you can just walk the 25 feet down the street to the Royal Mile for dinner. I randomly came upon this place when I first moved here and tried to go to Fong’s Pizza and it was too busy and I was starving. WHAT A FIND! I LOVED IT! Their apricot ale with a veggie burger. **chief’s kiss. Best part? They have steak fries! Why are those so hard to find now-a-days?! They’re the best!

Location & Menu


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