2nd Trimester Trials

As some of you may already know, my husband and I are expecting our first child! It’s a boy for those of you that missed my gender reveal post! :) I just started my 3rd Trimester by my 2nd definitely had a few trials and tribulations!!

Exhaustion Levels

Moving from trimester 1 to trimester 2, I almost immediately had a bit more energy. Like so much more then trimester 1 but still so farrrr from what my pre-pregnancy normal was. I honestly am starting to think that pre-pregnancy energy is never coming back and I worry about how I am going to be able to keep up with everything in this life. I just don’t want to disappoint anyone, ya know?

Probably the biggest thing I started having in the end of my 2nd trimester and so far (and likely to continue) into my 3rd trimester is anxiety and troubles sleeping. I simply lay in bed and think about everything that needs to be done before the baby comes and it paralyzes me. It seeps into my dreams and I have woken up midway through a panic attack multiple times. I wake up at least every 1.5-2 hours and am awake for a minimum of 30 minutes, often times more then an hour.

It’s hard to put into words the feeling it gives me having to ask for help or admitting to anyone I can’t do it myself. For example, I want to paint the babies room but need to wait for my husband to sand the walls before I can do that. (shouldn’t be breathing dust in and all that jazz) I KNOW in my mind he will do it as soon as I ask but it’s so damn hard for me to even muster up the courage to ask, LET ALONE accept that I can’t do it myself.

Aversions and Cravings

I have zero food aversions now. Thank god! Coffee is back and better then ever (in moderation). I have had a weird rotation of cravings in the past 3 months. Starting with mashed potatoes with gravy BUT only veggie gravy my husband has made. Next came apples dipped in caramel. Last and still current, rice crispy cereal with 2% milk and sugar on top. YUM!

I have also noticed that my hunger levels have increased towards the end of the 2nd trimester. I legit wake up in the middle of the night hungry. That has literally never happen to me and is a bit inconvenient, especially since I am having such problems sleeping right now.

It should be noted that I am still HIGHLY people adverse. I still have zero interest in leaving the house and interacting with the public.

Body Changes

This has been really hard for me. Most of my clothes don’t fit me anymore. As much as I love shopping I absolutely hated having to buy bigger clothes. When I did buy new clothes, I didn’t even buy maternity clothes, just clothes in bigger sizes. I had to buy bigger UNDERWEAR! I mean I don’t know what I expected but I didn’t expect that…it was just hard.

My hair and skin have also recently been changing quite a bit as well, and not with that pregnancy glow everybody is talking about. My hair is literally the driest it has ever been. I haven’t had to use dry shampoo in months and that is something I haven’t said since I was probably in 7th grade. I have reverted back to the tried and true It’s A 10 Deep Conditioner. I also have developed these red splotches on my face, I think they’re just dry skin patches but still major bummer.


I swear that every symptom I bring up to my OB GYN she’s just like oh ya that’s totally normal. Why doesn’t anyone talk about this weirdness?!

Restless Legs and Leg Cramping

These feel so weird!!! They only happen at night and no matter how much water or Gatorade I drink they will not go away. Probably another reason it’s not been easy for me to sleep. I anticipate these will get worse now in the 3rd trimester just how they’ve progressed through the 2nd trimester.

Back and Hip Pain

This is probably the most debilitating. My back hurts so bad by the end of the day it’s sometimes difficult for me to stand or sit up, I am only comfy if laying down. Even if I haven’t done anything straining through out the day it’s still there. I have found that walking (on the treadmill now that the weather has just pivoted right into winter here in the flyover states) has been helpful.

I have also always had hip pain. From running and not stretching properly, from bad poster and sitting with my legs crossed. It just seems to be exasperated by the extra baby weight. And the rounder I get the harder it is to stretch in a meaningful way.

Gum Tenderness

This is another weird one. I had my teeth cleaned a few weeks ago and my dentist told me I had gingivitis brought on my pregnancy! I hadn’t really noticed any difference but evidently it’s a totally normal thing to happen.


I am probably going to get some s**t for this but I HATE feeling the baby kick. It really grosses me out. It’s not uncomfortable or anything like that, it just feels like a floppy fish in my belly. I mean can you imagine that?! My placenta is the front so I can’t feel as many kicks as if it was in the back, behind the baby but it’s ENOUGH! Even writing this makes me a little nauseous.

Opinions Opinions Everywhere

Oh thank god these haven’t gone away!! SARCASM! Sometimes I just want to vent my woes, I am not interested in your opinion on how you would handle your pregnancy.


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