HELP!! First Time Mom, First Trimester
So we aren’t turning into a mommy blog by any means BUT I am a first time mom going through all the mom-things for the first time. I hope someone out there is also going through it and can help a gal out!
Let me start off by saying. My husband and I are INCREDIBLY thankful for our little nugget. We have been trying for about 2 years and were actually a week away from our infertility appointment when I tested positive. As much as this might seem like b******g, we are 100% GRATEFUL for all the aches and the pains that come with our little jellybean!!
Can we talk about the exhaustion? People think I am being dramatic and over-exaggerating the situation but I kid you not I am the most tired I have ever been in my entire life. I go to sleep at 8 on a good night, get up at 7. Take a bit of a nap around 3:30, get up around 6 and go back to sleep. Repeat. Thank god for working East Coast hours and an understanding boss!! I am in awe of all those ladies out there who have to go into an office every day. I have never been more thankful for my work-from-home job!!
No working out, barely getting the dishes done, let alone doing anything to actually prepare for a baby. I have never felt more like a piece of s***. Any ideas on how not to get down on yourself for not being able to do the things you were doing 3 months prior? Or how to feel better about relying other people for more then usual? It’s been a hard adjustment for me…
Everything I read online says it’s a first trimester thing so I am praying this exhaustion level comes to an end relatively soon. I feel like I am one step away from bed sores.
People aversions. I have absolutely zero interest in interacting with society in any way. Literally zero. Don’t call me, don’t text me, don’t stop by and see me. Nada. And I feel bad. I know people just want to wish me well and see how I am feeling I just have a literal zero in the social meter.
Any suggestions on how to let people down easy without sounding like a complete B?
I also have become a home body…which is very unlike me! I use to love leaving the house for really anything. Now I can stay in the house for days and it’s the best time ever! I have to force myself to the grocery store instead of having them delivered. Small steps…
Food aversions. I haven’t had these too bad. My top 3 aversions are coffee, eggs throws up just typing the word, and my prenatal vitamins (that one’s super convenient). The worst part is that I don’t really want anything and nothing sounds good. Finding something I want that doesn’t make me want to throw up is difficult.
For the first month I didn’t really touch a fruit or a vegetable. I really could only eat plain toast with butter or saltine crackers. In the last month or so I have been back to eating mostly normal. The one thing I currently can’t live without is bagels…I have one every morning for breakfast and it’s amazing!
I am a vegetarian so making sure I have enough protein is a big thing. I added a protein shake as my afternoon snack, made with Greek yogurt and plain protein powder. It’s not really all that tasty but it does the trick. If anyone’s got a good protein shake recipe PLEASE share!!
I haven’t really had any true cravings. I was really into candy for an entire month. Now I can’t live without fruit, crunchy green grapes specifically. But nothing too weird or anything that’s that out of the ordinary.
Nausea. I have been VERY lucky. I have not gotten sick once BUT I constantly felt as if I might chuck it. It has finally cleared up a bit about 2.5 months into the first trimester. But it definitely contributed to all the above issues!!
Body Image. I am only 11 weeks so I am showing a bit but not too much. All my clothes still fit but things are getting a little bit tight. (though maybe it’s my imagination) Again I am lucky I don’t have to go into the office and can really wear sweatpants every day if I wanted to but I have a couple of events this summer I need to go to and I am already worried about what I am going to look like and wear.
It’s not really my belly at this point that are causing issues but my boobs. I already don’t fit in any of the bralettes I typically live in during the summer time. I mean do people buy a whole other set of underwear when they are pregnant? I have at least 6 more months for my boobs to grow too so should I buy something new now and then again in 4 months? That seems wasteful…
I think the worst part is the unsolicited opinions on my pregnancy. You should exercise more. Are you sure you are eating enough protein? Why aren’t you helping out more? You shouldn’t eat candy. I already feel bad enough about myself and have constant anxiety. There’s really no reason for you to make me feel worse…
You know how you should never ask a person if they are pregnant? You REALLY shouldn’t given them unsolicited advice…
WHAT’S NEXT?!?!?!?
I have so much anxiety every day. For example, today I didn’t have to take a nap, had no nausea, boobs aren’t too sore, and I panic thinking something might have happen to our jellybean. I imagine this probably doesn’t ever stop but how to you manage this every day for 18+ years?
Can someone also tell me what comes next? Or how do I find that out? Do I read a book? Do I watch a movie? YouTube? Podcast? I am simultaneously drowning in resources and unable to find anything that’s helpful all at once.
I have a degree in Women’s Health and vaguely remember watching a live birth once but am not 100% sure. My college class attendance was not stellar…