2023 Prime Day Must Haves

I usually LOVE Prime Days, but this year, it was hard for me to find things I wanted to spend my money on, good deal or not! But fear not! I found a few things I really can’t live without!! :)

For An At Home Spa Day

Who doesn’t love a relaxing candle? This one is even called Spa Day!! :)

Luxurious towels are the best! 100% cotton is a must. They stay soft through multiple washes.

You attach Barbie to anything and I am going to buy it. I love these pink champagne flutes!!

Nothing feels better then some skin!

For The Home

I am constantly looking for a charger for one thing or another. This is perfect!

Another luxury is an amazing set of sheets and comforter!

Again…pink? Barbie? Sign me up!

For Baby

I think these are perfect for little snack boxes for adults! Or lunch boxes for kids!

For Your Fur Babies

The cutest and SCENTED poop bags!! You no longer have to carry smelly dog poop around with you! It’ll be like your carrying a bouquet of roses!

As someone who is getting a puppy in the next two weeks teething toys are a must for us!

And because of said puppy we must hide our kitty food!


Sunday Reset


HELP!! First Time Mom, First Trimester