Work From Home Office Makeover

I recently started a new job completely working from home. I think it’s super important to have a separate work environment from home environment so to treat myself I totally redid our home office!

Because I am a sucker for a good and quick deal I ordered almost exclusively from Amazon. Everything is linked for your easy ordering pleasure! Enjoy!!!

Some basics everyone needs no matter where your office is!!

  • Vaseline - the ultimate lip moisturizer. If you are familiar with my blog or know me at all you’ve heard me carry on about the joys of Vaseline MANY times!

  • Lotion - because no matter what office I am in my skin dries out like the Sharia. I only use Jergen’s Ultra Healing. It’s literally the only thing that keeps my skin from flaking off in the winter time

  • Kleenex - in the Flyover States, if it’s not allergy season it’s cold season

  • Calendar - it’s easy to loose track of the day, at least for me it is. I like a calendar with cork board on it so I can stick my important notes on it. Also it’s dry erase so you don’t one, waste paper and two, buy a new calendar every year!

  • Planner - the organized person’s best friend. I can’t deal with a small 5 x 7 planner, I need 8.5 x 11 AT LEAST! I pretty much live and die by my planner so the bigger the better

  • Wall Flower - good smells = good vibes. I am partial to Bath & Body Works floral scents

  • Phone Charger - because no one has a desk phone anymore and even when I did I never used it

  • Water Bottle - hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! Unpopular opinion, I am NOT here for the Stanley Tumblr. It looks like something my dad took to work back in the 90s. My basic self loves the large Starbucks cups! There is just something about a straw that helps you just suck down that water. Pro Tip: Buy extra straws!

  • Snacks - the worst distraction is hunger. Even better? A snack fridge! Keep healthy snacks, coffee, and water! Hydration is key! My favorites?

    • Chips A’Hoy 100 Cal Thin Crisps

    • Guilty Pleasure: Oatmeal Cream Pies

    • Trail Mix - Individual Packets because I have no self control

    • Smart Water

    • Green Juice

    • Fruit & Veggies - Pro Tip: I buy the trays from Costco and just eat off of them all week. Saves you all the cutting

So my husband works from home too so we had to come to an aesthetic that satisfied both of us. I came up with 3 different office styles and let my husband pick one. Obviously you will be able to pick out exactly what my number one choice would be…spoiler alert he didn’t pick that one… :(

Aesthetic #1

Posh Peachy Plants

Aesthetic #2

Pink & Gold Princess

Aesthetic #3

Boho Blues

Square Pouf Ottoman

Vase Lamp

Checkered Throw

Teal Twin Chairs

Checkered Pillows

Honestly, I would be happy with any of these options! Any guesses what we went with?!

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